Fellowship and Award Opportunities

Financial support is guaranteed for all graduate students admitted into the Biochemistry program who remain in good standing. University tuition is waived for all graduate students in the department. Nominal fees are assessed each semester to cover access to recreational facilities, computer labs, student health services, and library services. Full-time enrolled Ph.D. students are eligible for a subsidy on the premium of the university-sponsored health insurance plan through Aetna. Find more information here.
External fellowships and scholarships are an important potential source of financial support for graduate students. Pursuing and acquiring grant funding also provides valuable professional development experiences. Further information concerning financial matters and many other aspects of student life at Virginia Tech are available at the Graduate School’s website.
See below for a list of fellowships program alumni have received.
Nomination-based Fellowships
Application-based Fellowships
- National Institute of Health (NIH) F31
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- Virginia Tech CALS Gradute Teaching Scholar Program
- Virginia Tech GPSS Travel Fund Program
- Virginia Tech George Washington Carver Program
- Internal Biochemistry Travel Awards and Mentorship Fellowships
- Additional fellowship opportunities through the Graduate School
See below for a list of awards and scholarships available to graduate students.
Awards and Scholarships for Graduate Students
Kendall W. King Memorial Scholarship - Endowed
The Fund was established in 1990 in recognition of Dr. K. W. King, alumnus class of 1949, professor, and department head (1966-1968). The award is for students who have passed the preliminary examination and have made substantial progress on their dissertation research. Selection is based on potential for scholarly achievement in teaching and research and a demonstrated commitment to humanitarian service.
Biochemistry Alumni Graduate Scholarship - Endowed
The Fund was based on the gift of an anonymous donor and established in 2001 to recognize academic accomplishment and potential.
James F. Eheart Memorial Graduate Scholarship - Endowed
The Fund was established in memory of Dr. James F. Eheart, a faculty member of the department in the 1950s. The fund supports travel by students to national or international meetings to present results of their research.
Blanche Wu Memorial Graduate Scholarship - Endowed
The Fund was established in the will of Ms. Blanche Wu, who was a technician in the department between 1960s and 1980s. Awards are in support of graduate scholars of Chinese descent.
Bruce M. Anderson Graduate Award - Annual Giving
The Award was established in 1982 to honor the service of Bruce M. Anderson, Department Head (1970-1982). The recipient is the outstanding graduate student upon completion of the first year of work in the department.