
Your gifts to our department constitute a key resource for investing in our future.
Your gifts enable us to invest in our students by providing scholarships, travel support to scientific conferences, and new equipment for our instructional laboratories. Our 6 credit intensive major's lab class is especially in need of new equipment.
Your donations can help us to recruit and support the development of bright, talented faculty through the purchase or repair of a key piece of equipment or customizing some part of their laboratory suite. It enables us to forge and maintain connections by bringing visitors to see our department and engage in scientific discussions.
In a nutshell, your gifts enable us to overcome the limitations imposed by the size and restrictions of our base budget. And remember, just as an enzyme or a genome starts as a collection of amino acids or necleotides, even a "small gift" serves as a precursor to great things.
Read how your gifts and donations impact current Biochemistry undergraduate and graduate students.

"I am incredibly grateful to have been granted the William Burns Downey Memorial Scholarship from the biochemistry department. Receiving the financial aid has alleviated the financial burdens that come with higher education, which has allowed me to spend less time working and allot more time for studying and working as an undergraduate research assistant - the activities that have assisted in my career interests in pharmacy."

"I was beyond thrilled to receive the R. W. & Frances H. Engel and Gladys S. Decker scholarships, as they provided substantial financial relief – allowing me to be able to focus on school and further my education. Additionally, these scholarships have motivated me to continue working hard and striving for my goals, as they are proof that hard work does pay off."

"The R. W. & Frances H. Engel scholarship means a lot to me as a first generation college student because it allows me to make my parents proud and finish my degree strong. I am going to continue my education by getting a PhD in biochemistry and eventually becoming a professor at a University like Virginia Tech."
To give a gift specifically to the Department of Biochemistry, sponsors and individual donors may send their tax-deductible gift as follows
Online Click Below "Give Now"
Select an Area: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Selct a fund: Biochemistry Department Annual Fund
Search for a area to support: scroll down and slect Biochemistry
- By Check: Checks should be written to the “Virginia Tech Foundation” with a memo to the “Biochemistry Fund 881055.” Please mail them to Emily Simpson at the following address:
Emily Simpson
Administrative Assistant to Department Head Biochemistry
Virginia Tech (MC0308)
Biochemistry Department
340 West Campus Drive, 111B Engel Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
For more information on how you can support the Department of Biochemistry, please contact:
Vernon Meacham
Director of Development
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
131 Smyth Hall
185 Ag Quad Lane
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061