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Chloé Lahondère

Associate Professor
  • Research area(s): Mechanisms of Thermal Adaption in Insects


Ph.D., Life Sciences - Entomology, University François Rabelais, Tours, France, 2012

M.Sc., Insect Science, University François Rabelais, Tours, France, 2009

B.Sc.Integrative & Evolutive Biology, University François Rabelais, Tours, France, 2007


  • August 2020 – Present: Assistant Professor
  • October 2017 – August 2020: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA
  • August 2014 – September 2017: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Program Focus

My lab focuses on studying the effects of temperature, and by extension climate change on:

(1) the physiology and behavior of disease vector insects,

(2) the vector-host-pathogen interactions and

(3) the disease vector insects’ ability to invade new areas

We rely on a multidisciplinary and integrative approach, combining genetics, behavioral analyses, field observations and we work with different mosquito species along with kissing bugs and tsetse flies.

The results from these projects will help to get a better understanding of disease vector insects’ biology, physiology and neuroethology and will lay the groundwork for the development of new control tools targeting their thermo-sensory system.

Dr. Lahondere PubMed site

Reviewed Journals

Benoit J.B., Lahondère C., Attardo G.M., Michalkova V., Oyen K., Xiao Y. and S. Aksoy. (2022). Warm blood meal increases digestion and milk protein production to maximize reproductive output for the tsetse fly, Glossina morsitans. Insects. Insects. 13(11):997.

Kuchinsky S., Marano J., Hawks S., Loessberg E., Honaker C., Siegel P., Lahondère C., LeRoith T., Weger-Lucarelli J., and N. Duggal. (2022). North American house sparrows are competent for Usutu virus transmission. mSphere. e00295-22.

Lahondère C. (2022). Mosquito electroantennogram recordings. In “Laboratory mosquito rearing, behaviour, physiology, and neuroscience”, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. doi:10.1101/pdb.prot107871

Lahondère C. (2022). Mosquito electroantennography. In “Laboratory mosquito rearing, behaviour, physiology, and neuroscience”, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols. doi:10.1101/pdb.top107679 

Wangrawa D.W., Ochomo E., Upshur F., Zanré N., Borovsky D., Lahondère C., Vinauger C., Badolo A. and A. Sanon. (2022). Essential oils and their binary combinations have synergistic and antagonistic insecticidal properties against Anopheles gambiae s. l. (Diptera: Culicidae). Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 42(102347).

Lahondère C. and M. Bonizzoni. Thermal biology of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in the context of climate change. (2022). Current Opinion in Insect Science.

Reinhold, J. M., Chandrasegaran, K., Oker, H., Crespo, J. E., Vinauger, C., & Lahondère, C. (2022). Species-Specificity in Thermopreference and CO2-Gated Heat-Seeking in Culex Mosquitoes. Insects, 13(1), 92. 

Fryzlewicz L., VanWinkle A. and C. Lahondère (2021). Developement of an attractive toxic sugar bait for the control of Aedes. j. japonicusJournal of Medical Entomology

Lazzari C.R., Fauquet A., Lahondère C., Pereira M.H. and R. Araujo. (2021). Soft ticks perform evaporative cooling during blood-feeding. Journal of Insect Physiology. 130(104197).  

Lahondère C. (2021). A step-by-step guide to mosquito electroantennography. JOVE.

Bates T.A, Chuong C., Marano J., Waldman A., Klinger A., Reinhold J.M., Lahondère C. and J. Weger. (2021) American Aedes japonicus japonicusCulex pipiens pipiens, and Culex restuans mosquitoes have limited transmission capacity for a recent isolate of Usutu virus. Virology. 555: 64-70.

Reinhold J.M., Shaw R. and Lahondère C. (2021). Beat the heat: Culex quinquefasciatus regulates its body temperature during blood-feeding. Journal of Thermal Biology. 96: 102826.

Chandrasegaran K., Lahondère C., Escobar L.E. and Vinauger C. (2020). Mosquito ecology, behavior, and disease transmission. Trends in Parasitology. 36(4): 393-403.

Lahondère C., C. Vinauger, R.P. Okubo, G. Wolff, J.K. Chan, O.S. Akbari, J.A. Riffell (2020). The olfactory basis of orchid pollination by mosquitoes. PNAS, 117 (1) 708-716.

Upshur I.F., Bose E.A, Hart C. and C. Lahondère. (2019). Temperature and sugar feeding effects on the activity of a laboratory strain of Aedes aegyptiInsects, 10(10): 347.

Afify A., Betz J.F., Riabinina O., Lahondère, C. and C.J. Potter. (2019). Commonly used insect repellents hide human odors from Anopheles mosquitoes. Current Biology, 29:1-12.

Benoit J.B., Lazzari C.R., Denlinger D.L. and Lahondère C. (2019) Thermoprotective adaptations are critical for arthropods feeding on warm-blooded hosts. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 34:7-11.​

Reinhold J.M., Lazzari C.R. and Lahondère C. (2018) Effects of the Environmental Temperature on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes: A Review. Insects, 9(4), 158; doi: 10.3390/insects9040158. 

Lazzari C.R., Fauquet A. and C. Lahondère. Kissing bugs avoid cannibalism by thermoregulating (2018). Journal of Insect Physiology, Vol. 107, p29–33.

Vinauger C.+, Lahondère C.+, Wolff G.H., Locke L.T.*, Liaw J.E.*, Parrish J.Z., Akbari O.S., Dickinson M.H. and J.A. Riffell. (2018) Dopamine modulation of host learning in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Current Biology, 28, 333–344. 

+ These authors contributed equally to this work.

Lahondère C., Insausti T., Paim RMM, Luan X., Belev G., Pereira MH., Ianowski J.P. and C.R. Lazzari (2017). Countercurrent heat exchange and thermoregulation during blood-feeding in kissing bugs. eLife. 2017; 6:e26107.

​Lutz E.K., Lahondère C., Vinauger C. and J.A. Riffell (2017). Olfactory learning and chemical ecology of olfaction in disease vector mosquitoes: A life history perspective. Invited review - Current Opinion in Insect Science. 20:75-83.