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Seminar Series

Department of Biochemistry

BCHM 5004

Seminar Series Spring 2025 

Monday at 3:00 PM ET  

Fralin Hall Auditorium

Most of our seminars will be presented in person. The Biochemistry Seminar Series is in the Fralin Hall Auditorium, where you can learn something new! All seminars will be available via Zoom. To attend the seminar via Zoom, you must be a member of our weekly seminar Canvas site. All biochemistry members have been added to the site. For those outside of biochemistry, please email Lisa Jones to be added. Once added to our Canvas site, you will have access to all seminar links for the semester. We encourage you to join us every Monday 2:30 for coffee at Fralin Hall foyer and
3:00 PM ET at Fralin Hall Auditorium for BCHM 5004 Seminar.  

Speaker: Dr. Siobhan Craige, Human Nutrition, Foods and Exercise, Virginia Tech
Topic: "Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) signaling in skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise."
Host: Dr. Stefan Roberts

Speaker: Dr. Ashleigh "Bing" Bingham, Virginia Tech
Topic: "Effective Allyship and Resources You Should Know About"
Host: Dr. Chloé Lahondère and VT Biochemistry Graduate Student Thuc Anh “Avery” Dinh 

Speaker: Dr. Max Scott, NC State University
Topic: "Leveraging Insect Sex Determination Systems for Genetic Biocontrol of Pests."
Host: Dr. Jake Tu

Speaker: Dr. Megan Fritz, University of Maryland
Topic: "Genetic, behavioral, and ecological divergence associated with urban habitat use in Culex Vectors of West Nile Virus.”
Host: Dr. Chloé Lahondère

Speaker: Dr. Jingqiu  Liao, Virginia Tech, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Topic: "Impact of environmental factors on genomic variation in Listeria species."
Host: Dr. Biswarup Mukhopadhyay

Speaker: Dr. Soumi Ghosh, Virginia Tech Biochemistry 
Topic: "Sweet Talk with Microbes Crafting and Catching Their Sugars."
Host: Dr. Biswarup Mukhopadhyay

Speaker: Dr. Kevin Flynn, Case Biosciences LLC
Topic: "Developing Cryopreservation Media for Human Cells."
Host: Dr. Kristopher Hite